Branding Identity – How to Infuse Personality into your Brand?

Do you know? The history of branding goes back to ancient times when livestock were ‘branded’ using hot irons as a mark of ownership to prevent theft. We have come a long way now where ‘branding’ is no longer confined to the recognition or differentiation of a product. It is much more than that. 

Let us delve deep into the importance of brand identity and brand persona in marketing. 

What is Brand Identity? 

Brand Identity refers to a set of unique characteristics that differentiate a brand from its competitors. 


Components of Brand Identity


  • Brand Name
  • Logo
  • Tagline & Slogan
  • Brand Typography 
  • Brand Imagery
  • Brand Voice
  • Brand Tone
  • Brand Personality
  • Mission
  • Vision
  • Brand Values


3 Myths Around Brand Identity


Myth #1 – Brand identity only refers to visual elements. 

Reality: Beyond visual elements, Brand identity also includes the mission, vision, values, and personality of the brand. 


Myth #2 – Brand Identity is a one-time job. 

Reality: Brand identity is an ongoing process. Businesses should invest in resources to maintain the brand identity throughout. 


Myth #3 – Brand Identity is only for big businesses.

Reality: This new era is seeing an exponential increase in the number of brands vying for the attention of customers. Hence, brand identity is crucial for any business that wishes to attract potential leads, retain existing customers, and grow. 


Why Is Brand Identity Important For a Business? 


A strong brand identity is crucial to 


  • Build brand awareness among the target audience.
  • Make the brand more appealing to attract leads and increase sales. 
  • Create brand loyalty that leads to word-of-mouth and repeat sales. 
  • Differentiate from competitors. 
  • Attract investments for business expansion. 
  • Boost brand reputation and credibility.


What is Brand Personality? 


Brand personality is the human-like characteristics that consumers associate with a brand. It is what makes a brand feel familiar and likable. Brand personality is a combination of factors, including brand voice, tone, values, messages, and overall attitude.



Brand Identity

Brand Personality


A set of unique characteristics that distinguish a brand from its competitors.

The human-like characteristics that consumers associate with a brand.


To make a brand recognizable and memorable.

To make a brand feel familiar and likeable.


Through a combination of factors, including the brand’s name, logo, tagline, colors, fonts, imagery, and overall messaging.

Through a combination of factors, including the brand’s voice, tone, values, and overall attitude.


Helps consumers to recognize and remember a brand.

Helps consumers to feel a connection with a brand.


Brand identity and brand personality are closely interconnected. Brand personality is a significant aspect of brand identity, which makes a brand likable, increasing brand awareness, brand loyalty, and sales.

The 12 Brand Archetypes

A brand archetype is a personality that represents the core values and beliefs of a brand. It is a way of understanding how a brand wants to be perceived by its customers.

Carl Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist, identified 12 personality types and called them archetypes. These 12 archetypes help you decide how you want your target audience to perceive your brand. Choosing the right archetype helps you create a memorable brand identity to connect with your audience.

Brand Archetype


Brand Examples

The Innocent

Purity, goodness, simplicity

Dove, Disney

The Everyman

Average person, relatable, down-to-earth

Honda, Taco Bell, Walmart

The Hero

Courage, strength, determination

Nike, Marvel

The Outlaw

Rebellion, freedom, individuality

Harley-Davidson, Red Bull, Levi’s

The Explorer

Adventure, discovery, new experiences

Jeep, National Geographic

The Creator

Imagination, creativity, self-expression

Apple, Lego, Adobe

The Ruler

Power, authority, control

Mercedes-Benz, Rolex,

The Magician

Mystery, transformation, enlightenment

Chanel, Lululemon

The Lover

Romance, passion, intimacy

Victoria’s Secret, Bath & Body Works

The Caregiver

Compassion, kindness, nurturing

Johnson & Johnson, Nestle

The Jester

Humor, playfulness, irreverence

Wendy’s, Old Spice

The Sage

Wisdom, knowledge, understanding

The New York Times, Harvard Business Review

How to Infuse Personality into Your Brand?  

Define your brand’s personality: What kind of personality do you want your brand to have? Are you playful, serious, edgy, or something else? You can use the 12 brand archetypes to see which personality would resonate well with your brand. Once you know what kind of personality you want your brand to have, you can infuse those qualities into your branding materials.

Use the language that reflects your brand’s personality: The words you use can help create a sense of personality for your brand. For example, if you want your brand to be seen as playful, you might use words like ‘fun’ and ‘exciting’. 

Use visuals that reflect your brand’s personality: The images you use can also help to create a sense of personality for your brand. For example, if you want your brand to be seen as inclusive, you might use diverse, representative, and welcoming images.

Be consistent: Once you define your brand’s personality, be consistent in how you communicate it across all of your branding materials to gain quick recognition from your audience. 

Be authentic: Be true to your brand’s personality and let it reflect in everything you do. Do not try to replicate or imitate something that is not true to your brand’s personality. 

By following these tips, you can infuse personality into your brand and create an impactful brand identity.

Want to Build A Strong Brand Identity? Speak to our Digital Marketing expert today!

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