Redefine FedEx ISP Success with us

Is your FedEx Last-Mile Delivery business reaching its full potential?
MetroMax has the answers. We're not just a support service;
we're your guides through the FedEx landscape. Let us handle
the back office to make your FedEx journey smoother.

Our Services

Your Roadmap to FedEx ISP Success Starts with MetroMax

Human Resources Support

Covering everything from recruitment to benefits and compliance, our HR support streamlines your workforce management.

Operations Support

With real-time route monitoring, we ensure smooth delivery operations, optimizing driver availability and efficiency.

Accounting Support

Our expert accounting services handle everything from audits to financial management, giving you peace of

About Outsourcing

Why Outsourcing is Best

Outsourcing your FedEx ISP back-end operations streamlines processes lowers costs, and provides access to specialized expertise, allowing you to focus on business growth.

Your Ultimate
Solution To Last-Mile Delivery

Metro LMD OpsAssist, or MLO, is your one-stop solution for streamlining every aspect of last-mile delivery. 

Driver Recruitment
Made Effortless

Are you struggling to manage driver applications and maintain a pipeline? Say hello to our recruitment assistance software, the Driver Recruitment Accelerator (DRA).

Driver Recruitment Accelerator

Our Blogs

Learn and grow with us

The Pros and Cons of Becoming an Amazon DSP Owner

Starting your own business is a dream for many, and Amazon offers a unique opportunity through its Delivery Service Partner (DSP) program. By becoming an Amazon DSP owner, you have the chance to run your own delivery business, partner with one of the largest e-commerce giants in the world, and

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What is the FedEx ISP Model?

In today’s fast-paced logistics world, FedEx stands out as a leader, not just for its speed and reliability but for its innovative business approaches. One such approach is the FedEx ISP (Independent Service Provider) model. This game-changer has transformed how FedEx operates across various regions. This model empowers independent contractors

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How to Land High-Paying Virtual Assistant Jobs

Did you know that By 2025, the virtual assistant industry is predicted to create over 2 million jobs? (Source: The Virtual Assistant (VA) job market is thriving as more businesses turn to remote support. 95% of customer interactions are predicted to be powered by AI and virtual assistants by

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