Twitter Vs. Threads at a Glance

As the probabilities of the much-anticipated Musk vs. Zuckerberg cage match continue to be a discussion, let us shift our focus to the ongoing rivalry between Twitter and Threads.

Threads – The Brand New Launch from Meta

Threads is a Social Networking app launched by Meta in July 2023. Integrated with Instagram, one can call it Twitter’s rival or fraternal twin with certain similarities and distinguishing features.

The timing was perfect, as many of Twitter’s users expressed discontent with the recent changes and restrictions imposed on its usage.

The character limit feature – 500 characters per tweet – has rapidly become popular among users, allowing them to participate in more extensive discussions than what Twitter offers.

The Response

Threads passed 100 million signups within five days of its launch, surpassing the record set by ChatGPT by a huge margin. We can also attribute the success to the integration with Instagram, which has a user base of 2.35 billion.

Users liked the easy-to-use interface but noticed that it lacked certain features like saving drafts and editing tweets, which are available on Twitter. In addition, only Instagram users can create a Threads account.

Twitter Vs. Threads – A Quick Comparison




Character Limit

280 characters per Tweet for unsubscribed users.

500 characters per Tweet.


Algorithmic timeline

Reverse chronological timeline


– Save drafts
– Edit Tweets
– Tag People

– Can use hashtags to filter

– DM available

– Add disappearing messages
– Tag People

– Cannot use hashtags to Filter

– Cannot edit tweets

– No DM


Two feed options

–          Content based on preferences

–          Posts from accounts followed

Shows posts from everyone, whether you follow them or not


Larger user base

Smaller but growing user base

Media Integration

Supports photos, videos, and GIFs.

Supports photos, videos, and GIFs.


Contains Ads

Does not contain ads (might change in future)


Twitter or Threads – Which is the Best Platform for Marketing?

Given that Threads was recently launched, conducting an exhaustive comparison between Threads and Twitter might not be feasible at this stage. Nevertheless, some businesses have already started leveraging both platforms to reach their target audiences.

With many organizations cutting down their ad spend on Twitter, Threads may witness an increase in organic promotion by several businesses. Many top retailers have already activated their Threads accounts. However, some reputed brands are still waiting to assess the pros and cons before venturing into it.

In terms of reach, Twitter is a more established platform with a larger user base and a wider range of features. This makes Twitter a good choice if businesses want to reach a large audience and engage with them in a variety of ways.

On the other hand, Threads is a newer platform with a smaller user base and limited features. But it is designed to be more intimate and conversational than Twitter. It supports microblogging, creative interactions, and discussions, which help build a good rapport with your target audience.

Hence, it is clear that both Twitter and Threads can be valuable tools for businesses. However, which is ideal depends on specific business goals and target audience.

Twitter Rebranding

On July 24th, 2023, Twitter announced its rebranding to become a ‘super app’ similar to China’s WeChat, under Elon Musk’s vision. The new stylized X logo represents the platform’s ambition to offer various services, including payments, e-commerce, and social networking.

The response to this rebranding is mixed. While some praised the modern design and user-friendly interface, others expressed concerns about a potential shift towards a more corporate focus, impacting Twitter’s future.


In conclusion, the battle between Twitter and Meta’s Threads continues to captivate users and businesses alike. Threads’ success with its character limit and integrated Instagram user base has posed a notable challenge to Twitter’s dominance.

Both platforms offer distinct advantages, and businesses are exploring their marketing potential. With Twitter undergoing its rebranding, and Meta planning to add more new features in Threads, time will reveal the ultimate winner in this ongoing competition for social media supremacy.

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